Thursday, January 27, 2011

Minimal Lines Maximum Annoyance

A lot of early apprenticeship work begins with script and kanji.  To prepare for this, I practiced my thin delicate lines.

Ambigrams read the same way if looked at upsidedown. These read "Destroyed", "Nobody", "Patriot", and "Sister" and were done to practice clean lines and minimal coloring. about 3 hours of work done with .02 micron pen and prismacolor pencils on tracing paper.

Below, as you can see, I was practicing the alphabet in various fonts. Done with the purpose of practicing clean lines with lettering and minimal coloring. Done with .02 micron pen and prismacolor pencils on tracing paper and reference was used.

Not the most exciting thing to practice, but good to know and helpful in building up your drawing muscles. That sounds silly, but honestly, those machines are heavy and you will have to work your hand to get strong enough to gain the proper amount of control needed to make clean, fine lines.

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